Why do I have such troubles to write a letter to someone when corresponding with an inmate for 1year+ felt so easy?
I've been corresponding with Joey, a inmate prisoned in South Dakota.
Now we're friends on Facebook and barely talk.
What movies/pop culture influence, gives you to see about prison, what are the representations?
++Why write a letter when I have my smartphone in hands?
++Why would I write? To who?
++What is living my correspondent that I can’t know about?
++What my phone can’t answer?
-----Being the witness. As the inmate is doing his/her time, you stay to watch. As (s)he leaves, you stay and keep looking.
++Who are the people who write to inmates? What are they seeking?
++How do they choose who to write to?
++Why the inmates wants to be addressed letters?
++How do we really communicate?
++How this writing context is influencing the process of getting to know each other?
----Would an inmate would give up so easily writing to someone (s)he’s not particularly clicking with?
What about the writer?
+++The website is asking a lot of questions I didn’t thought at the time.
You can literally trace somebody. With so many options, what are you really looking for?
++What can I show them and what can they show me. What is the procedure?
----When I think about it: being under lockdown. This is maybe the closest experience I can get to them in a hyper privileged way. How can I make this experience relevant about my empathy/compassion to an inmate situation.
++What are inmates thinking about? All day long. What do occupy their mind? They need the share and I know it. What would they want to share with the world. What do you want to say to people when you’re waiting for a death sentence.
---Being killed by the state with no remembrance. Your name won’t appear in the posthumous section of the newspaper.
---Being ex-communicated.
++What are your chances and hopes when you get out?
++Is it the aim of prison? Purposely breaking individuals to a point where they don’t know where to go without any option?
++What does your time value to expiate what you’ve done? Is there a currency?
++Why giving your time and energy to people who broke lives in their path they say. Why don’t you volunteer for something really useful?
----++++If inmates are the personifications of crime, isn’t communicating with inmate actually reaching the real Outside World?
If the people kept in there are really evil, murderers, killers, rapists… all the “flaws” of society, do they have answers? Do we expect them to? Should they? Or is this what we’d like to think?
Aren’t they’re just regular people that fucked up at some point?
An avatar put in place by society to condemn the bad things we want to turn our eyes from?
Thoughts - In process
References -
What are the uses of letter? /////
Investigating X-periments:
the writee
Writing to inmates : Deathrow or not?
Preparing questions / A way to give them speech / Letting them space to xpress
the writers
Contacting them : What are their motivations? Who are they? Why?
Is there a profile? Which could mean that it's not only a relation Anyone/everyone->Inmates but
prison writers committee
the community
prison wives -> presence on the social media
-------> support/share/journey
MAP #1